TOM COMET – Head Danger Boy
Tom’s Mother has been calling him “Danger Boy” ever since he was just a kid. Perhaps it had something to do with his backflips into snow banks from the rooftop at 8 years old… Ever since then, Tom has been performing all manner of “dangerous deeds” from full body burn stunts to juggling three running chain saws for a Guinness World Record™. Tom is now retired from performance so that he can focus full-time on creating the pyro, rigging and special effects solutions that are the life blood here at DangerBoy.
MARK NIELSON – Explosives, Fireworks, Pyrotechnician & Rigger
After his time in the military Mark went in to the world of I.T. After a decade of rocking the corporate world he decided he missed working with things that go bang too much. It was time for another career change up so he got involved in rigging, fireworks and pyro. It didn't take long for him to gravitate to the DangerBoy team where he is very happy indeed. |
BRYCE GOODWIN – Project Manager, Pyrotechnician & Rigger
Bryce is an experienced pyrotechnican and rigger with a cool head and an eye for safety. Bryce has been with us since almost the beginning and he has the stories to prove it. We are all happy that he finally chopped off that big beard though as it was a bit of a fire hazard... |
JONAH LOGAN – Project Manager, Stunt Coordinator, Pyrotechnician & Rigger
Jonah grew up in his family run fireworks business. His father had him wiring shows almost as soon as he could walk and he is probably one of the most experienced pyrotechnicians in Canada. Jonah is also a notorious stunt performer having worked everywhere from Broadway to Las Vegas with everyone from AntiGravity to Cirque du Soleil.
SHANE STANIEK - Explosives, Special Effects Technician, & Safety Expert
Shane has over 15 years of experience doing Special Effects for movies, television, theatre and live events. He spends most of his time now working for a shadowy arm of the Government shooting guns (no kidding).
IAN GOODTIMES - Pyrotechnician
Ian has been working on and off stage in the entertainment industry forever but just recently became a pyrotechnician. He is a great guy to have along on those challenging shows because he keeps everyone smiling. Ian is a fantastic musician and talented bag piper to boot. Pyro Piper anyone?
Carl wandered into our DangerBoy World Headquarters one day and liked our coffee so much that we haven’t been able to get rid of him. Now he is a certified pyrotechnician and one of the hardest working techs we have. When Carl is not blowing stuff up at DangerBoy he can be found coaching the women’s roller derby team in Hamilton Ontario. Not a bad couple of gigs Carl!
TERRY CHRISTENSON - High Explosives & Expert Rigger
When we really need things to blow up HUGE Terry is the guy we call. A high explosives expert and genuine powder monkey from way back. Terry is also an expert with ropes and rigging and can talk about the molecular makeup of ropes for hours on end. A very handy guy!. |
DONNI BOBIWASH - Pyrotechnician, Flame Expert & Rigger
Donni is a true all 'rounder and the kind of guy who keeps a group like DangerBoy going when things get tough. No stranger to hard work and the guy we call on for everything from wiring up pyro to water safety and fall arrest. A true asset and real team player!
DEVON FAIRFAX - Administrative Assistant
Devon received a diploma in Business: Entrepreneurship & Management from Fanshawe College and is the newest member at DangerBoy. When her eyes aren't glued to a computer screen, you can find her enjoying the great outdoors, or with her nose shoved in a good book.
TINA REIBLING - Bookkeeper & Controller
Tina has been bookkeeping for over twenty years but has rarely seen as much diversity in her job as she does here at DangerBoy. She somehow manages to make cents of the madness and we are starting to think she might even like it around here. Oh, and she takes her mini golf pretty seriously as well! |